Notice List

BHS/M/ADMIN 24-25/007 19-09-2023

Candidates selected for the Academic Session 2024-25

Click on the respective class  to view the names of the selected candidates who appeared for interaction and assessment on 15th September 2023

Lower Nursery

Upper Nursery

Lower KG

Class I

Other Classes

Last date of fee payment is 23rd September 2023. The selected candidates will receive an e-mail/SMS stating all details of online payment. Please refer to Fee Structure for details.

Please bring the following documents between 25th September and 27th September 2023--

  1. Fee payment receipt
  2. Blood group report of the candidate and its photo copy
  3. Original Birth Certificate and its photo copy
  4. Filled in application form with duly attached photos and signature
  5. Immunization schedule and its photocopy
  6. Duly filled up forms of the given after downloading from the website--

 In case of any query pertaining to payment kindly contact the following help desks--

  1. [email protected]
  2. [email protected]
  3. [email protected]

Please check the website in the month of February 2024 for other details. The new session will commence from Monday 1st April 2024.

BHS/M/ADMIN 24-25/006 12-09-2023

Candidates to appear for Interaction and Assessment on Friday, 15th September 2023

The interaction and assessment will be held in the campus.

Click on the respective class to view the names of the selected candidates for Interaction and Assessment. Adhere to the timing given to the candidate.

Lower Nursery  -- Interaction

Upper Nursery -- Interaction

Lower KG -- Interaction

Upper KG -- Interaction

Class I -- Assessment in English and Number Work

Other Classes -- Assessment in English, Mathematics & 2nd Language (Hindi/Bengali)

Please bring the following documents--

1.Original Birth Certificate of the child

2.Original Blood group report.

The result of this interaction/assessment will be posted on Tuesday, 19th September 2023.

BHS/M/ADMIN 24-25/005 29-08-2023

Candidates selected for the Academic Session 2024-25

Click on the respective class  to view the names of the selected candidates who appeared for interaction and assessment on 26th August 2023

Lower Nursery

Upper Nursery

Lower KG

Upper KG


Class I

Other Classes

Last date of fee payment is 5th September 2023. The selected candidates will receive an e-mail/SMS stating all details of online payment. Please refer to Fee Structure for details.

Please bring the following documents between 13th September and 15th September 2023--

  1. Fee payment receipt
  2. Blood group report of the candidate and its photo copy
  3. Original Birth Certificate and its photo copy
  4. Filled in application form with duly attached photos and signature
  5. Immunization schedule and its photocopy
  6. Duly filled up forms of the given after downloading from the website--

 In case of any query pertaining to payment kindly contact the following help desks--

  1. [email protected]
  2. [email protected]
  3. [email protected]

Please check the website in the month of February 2024 for other details. The new session will commence from Monday 1st April 2024.

BHS/M/ADMIN 24-25/004 23-08-2023

Candidates to appear for Interaction and Assessment on Saturday, 26th August 2023

The interaction and assessment will be held in the campus.

Click on the respective class  to view the names of the selected candidates for Interaction and Assessment. Adhere to the timing given to the candidate.

 Lower Nursery -- Interaction

Upper Nursery -- Interaction

Lower KG -- Interaction

Upper KG -- Interaction

Class I --Assessment in English and Numberwork

Other Classes -- Assessment in Englsh, Mathematics & 2nd Language (Hindi/Bengali)

Please bring the following documents--

  1. Original Birth Certificate of the child
  2. Original Blood group report

The result of this interaction will be posted on Tuesday, 29th August 2023

BHS/M/ADMIN 24-25/003 19-08-2023

Candidates selected for the Academic Session 2024-25

Click on the respective class  to view the names of the selected candidates who appeared for interaction on 4th August and 11th August 2023

Lower Nursery

Upper Nursery

Lower KG

Upper KG

Last date of fee payment is 25th August 2023. The selected candidates will receive an e-mail/SMS stating all details of online payment. Please refer to Fee Structure for details.

Please bring the following documents between 1st September and 5th September 2023--

  1. Fee payment receipt
  2. Blood group report of the candidate and its photo copy
  3. Original Birth Certificate and its photo copy
  4. Filled in application form with duly attached photos and signature
  5. Immunization schedule and its photocopy
  6. Duly filled up forms of the given after downloading from the website--

 In case of any query pertaining to payment kindly contact the following help desks--

  1. [email protected]
  2. [email protected]
  3. [email protected]

Please check the website in the month of February 2024 for other details. The new session will commence from Monday 1st April 2024.

BHS/M/ADMIN 24-25/002 03-08-2023

Candidates to appear for Interaction  on Friday, 11th August 2023

The interaction  will be held in the campus.

Click on the respective class  to view the names of the selected candidates for Interaction and Assessment. Adhere to the timing given to the candidate.


Lower Nursery

Upper Nursery

Lower KG

Upper KG

Please bring the following documents--

  1. Original Birth Certificate of the child
  2. Original Blood group report

The result of this interaction will be posted on Saturday, 19th August 2023

BHS/M/ADMIN 24-25/001 03-08-2023

Candidates to appear for Interaction  on Friday, 4th August 2023

The interaction  will be held in the campus.

Click on the respective class  to view the names of the selected candidates for Interaction and Assessment. Adhere to the timing given to the candidate.


Lower Nursery

Upper Nursery

Lower KG

Upper KG

Please bring the following documents--

  1. Original Birth Certificate of the child
  2. Original Blood group report

The result of this interaction will be posted on Saturday, 19th August 2023

BHS/M/ADMIN 23-24/027 25-04-2023

Selected Candidates for the Academic Session 2023-24 

Click on the Class below to view the names of the selected candidates after the Assessment held on Friday, 21st  April 2023



Classes I--VIII

Important Documents to be submitted during the payment of fees

  • The Blood Group Report of the candidate and its photocopy
  • Filled in Application form with duly attached photos and signature
  • Original Birth Certificate and its photocopy
  • Immunization schedule and its photocopy
  • The following forms should be downloaded from the website and the filled-up forms should be submitted at the time of payment of fees.

             i.        Undertaking

           ii.        ID card Proforma

  • The Transfer Certificate to be submitted at the time of joining school in April 2023. (Applicable from KG upwards)

Payment of Fees

Date to pay the fees: 27th April 2023 – 28th April 2023

Office Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the school office, Birla High School, Mukundapur, 457, Barakhola Road, Kolkata-700099.


IMP: Failing to comply with the above on the specified date and time, the admission of the ward will stand cancelled.                                      


Mode of Payment


The total fees  must be paid by Demand Draft in favour of Birla High School-Mukundapur, payable at Kolkata. No cheque or cash will be accepted. 


Click here to download the fee requisition slip to be filled and brought along with the demand draft on the stipulated fee payment dates.


Click here to view the BREAK-UP OF SCHOOL FEES



BHS/M/ADMIN 23-24/026 18-04-2023

Candidates to appear for Interaction and Assessment on Friday, 21st April 2023

The interaction  will be held in the campus.

Click on the respective class  to view the names of the selected candidates for Interaction and Assessment. Adhere to the timing given to the candidate.

Nursery -- Interaction

KG -- Interaction

Class I --Assessment

Other Classes -- Assessment

Please bring the following documents--

  1. Original Birth Certificate of the child
  2. Original Blood group report

The result of this interaction will be posted on Tuesday, 25th April 2023

BHS/M/ADMIN 23-24/025 07-04-2023

Selected Candidates for the Academic Session 2023-24 

Click on the Class below to view the names of the selected candidates after the Assessment held on Thursday, 6th April 2023


Classes I--VIII

Important Documents to be submitted during the payment of fees

  • The Blood Group Report of the candidate and its photocopy
  • Filled in Application form with duly attached photos and signature
  • Original Birth Certificate and its photocopy
  • Immunization schedule and its photocopy
  • The following forms should be downloaded from the website and the filled-up forms should be submitted at the time of payment of fees.

             i.        Undertaking

           ii.        ID card Proforma

  • The Transfer Certificate to be submitted at the time of joining school in April 2023. (Applicable from KG upwards)

Payment of Fees

Date to pay the fees: 11th April 2023 – 13th April 2023

Office Hours: 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in the school office, Birla High School, Mukundapur, 457, Barakhola Road, Kolkata-700099.


IMP: Failing to comply with the above on the specified date and time, the admission of the ward will stand cancelled.                                      


Mode of Payment


The total fees  must be paid by Demand Draft in favour of Birla High School-Mukundapur, payable at Kolkata. No cheque or cash will be accepted. 


Click here to download the fee requisition slip to be filled and brought along with the demand draft on the stipulated fee payment dates.


Click here to view the BREAK-UP OF SCHOOL FEES


