Notice List

BHSM/CIR 20-21/009 07-08-2020

Dear Parents,

 The teachers will be attending an ‘Online Teacher Training Course’ to enhance their Online Teaching skills further, from Monday 17th August 2020 to Friday 21st August 2020.

 Please note that due to the above, classes will be suspended from Monday 17th August 2020 to Friday 21st August 2020.


 Mrs. M. Sengupta


 Birla High School - Mukundapur

BHSM/CIR 20-21/008 17-07-2020

Dear Parents,


This is to inform you that the  MINDSPARK programme in which students had participated in  April, May & June 2020 will re-commence from 1st August 2020. However students who wish to continue and enroll for the programme have to pay ₹. 1700/- each for the rest of the academic session payable in 3 quarters ( ₹. 600 in July’2020,  ₹. 600 in October’2020 &  ₹. 500 in January’2021).

 All students who wish to continue using MINDSPARK are to pay the 1st quarter fee of  ₹. 600/- by  24th  July 2020.


Payment details are as under :


Account Name       : Educational Initiatives Pvt. Ltd.


Account Number    : 006405006208


IFSC Code             : ICIC0000064


Branch Name         : Drive-In-Cinema Branch





Mrs. M. Sengupta


Birla High School - Mukundapur


BHSM/CIR 20-21/007 03-07-2020

Dear Parents,


Keeping in view the difficulty we are all facing due to the continuing pandemic, the management has decided to extend the concession in fee payment that

was offered in the first quarter (April’2020 to June’2020) to the 2nd quarter also (July’2020 to September’2020). Hence there will be no increase in the

tuition fee and co-curricular fees will also not be charged.


Students availing the transport have been offered a further reduction in the transport fees as informed in Circular No. BHSM/CIR 20-21/006 TRANSPORT

dated 30th June 2020, by the Transport operator.


Please note that parents who have already paid excess amount as fees will be given a refund of the excess amount. Refer to Circular No. BHSM/CIR 20-21/005

dated 18th June 2020, follow the same procedure to obtain the refund.

 We sincerely hope and trust that all of you remain safe.

 Please do take good care of yourselves.


Mrs. M. Sengupta


Birla High School - Mukundapur


BHSM/CIR 20-21/006 TRANSPORT 30-06-2020

Dear Parents

Further to our circular number BHSM/CIR 20-21/003 dated 29/04/2020, point 5, posted in the Newsroom, you will be happy to know that the transport fees have been further reduced.

Please click here to find  the letter sent  by the Transport vendor - Urban Paribahan  .


Birla High School Mukundapur

BHSM/CIR 20-21/005 18-06-2020

BHSM/CIR 20-21/005                                                                       18.06.2020


Dear Parents,


Some of you have paid the increased fee for the quarter April’20 to June’20.  The school is making arrangement to refund the excess amount paid by you.  Please provide the following details to [email protected] so that we may be able to do so.


Student’s Name     :


Class & Section      :


Student’s ID No.   :


Date of payment    :


Postal Address where you would like to receive the cheque :


Transaction details :


(a)      Transaction Ref. No.        :


(b)     Name of the Bank            :


After verification, a cheque for the refundable amount will be prepared & sent to your address.



Thanking you,



Mrs. Minnie Sengupta


Birla High School - Mukundapur


BHSM/CIR 20-21/004 18-08-2020

BHSM/CIR 20-21/004                                                                       18.06.2020


Dear Parents,


We have not been able to handover the Fee Book to you because of the lockdown.  Many of you have made the fee payment through online transaction.  However, some of you have expressed the desire to make the fee payment through Cheque or Demand Draft, hence we have made the provision for the same.


Option 1 : The school office is open from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  You may collect the Fee Book from the school office and subsequently, deposit the fees in the Bank.


Option 2 : You may take out a print of the fee requisition slip through Campus Care portal.


Please note the procedure :


Step 1:  Log on to Campus care portal via parent ID


 Step 2: Click on  Tab (On the left hand side of the screen)


Step 3: Click on sign beside the quarter you want to pay the fees for, and generate the fee requisition slip of the respective quarter.


Step 4:  Take a printout of the Fee requisition slip generated for the respective quarter.


Step 5:  Prepare a cheque/DD in the name of Birla High School Mukundapur, manually fill the cheque/DD details in all of the three copies of the fee requisition slip & deposit in any branch of ICICI BANK.


Step 6: After depositing the fee get the“School’s copy” of fee requisition slip duly stamped & signed from the Bank.


Step 7: Scan the “School’s copy” of fee requisition slip and mail the same to [email protected]






Please note

Parents, who would like to make monthly payment of fees, are to visit the school and deposit the fees through credit card/cash/cheque/draft.


Thanking you,


Mrs. Minnie Sengupta


Birla High School - Mukundapur


BHSM/CIR 20-21/003 29-04-2020





Dear Parents,


We refer to our earlier circular no. BHSM/CIR20-21/001 dated 15/04/2020, we have further taken the opportunity to examine the situation as it exists in the present context.  We now list hereunder, the policy the school has decided to follow at this time in respect of fees chargeable and their payments. 


You are of course aware of the extensive efforts being made by all our teachers to continue the classes online and we are glad that this is helping the students to keep abreast of the curriculum.  We have since received further messages of appreciation from some parents and would like to sincerely thank them for their kind words.


At the moment, as per the Government’s directive, the school will remain shut until 10th June, 2020. 


As regards the payment of fees the following is the decided position :


1.       Parents are well aware of the significant increases in costs all around, particularly in salaries and wages, as mandated by the Authorities, every year.  Our policy has been to keep increases in fees at a minimum possible level keeping in view the mandatory increases and other relevant costs.  However, in view of the present exceptional circumstances and as already advised, we shall not charge the increase announced for this year and continue charging at the same level as last year, for the time being.


2.       There will be a further additional reduction applicable from April, 2020:

Co-curricular fees for all classes will not be charged .


This charge will of course become payable once the school re-starts.


3.       Schedule of Payment : Instead of payment of fees at the beginning of each quarter, we have already advised that the last payment for the 1st quarter may be made not later than 31st July viz. in a time frame of 4 months.  This facility of relaxing payment of advance quarterly fees until a month after the quarter ends, will continue for the full year 2020-21 and no late payment charges will be levied.


4.       We will also provide the facility of accepting payments on a monthly basis, and also via credit card, should the parents so desire, by the end of each calendar month.  The payment will have to be made directly at the Accounts office of the school once it reopens.


5.       Students availing the transport will get a reduction in Transport Fees as informed by the transport provider.  Please check the Transport Tab for details.


6.       It is also informed that availing the transport (bus) is not mandatory and the earlier recommendation stands withdrawn in view of the conditions prevailing.


Please note that in case parents have already paid the fees for the first quarter, the excess amount paid by them will be adjusted in the next quarter.


Students who have taken admissions in the current year and already made payments at the higher levels, will be given appropriate adjustments in the subsequent quarters.


Before closing, we sincerely hope and trust that all of you remain safe.


Please do take good care of yourselves.


We close with our best regards to all.


Mrs. M Sengupta


Birla High School - Mukundapur


BHSM/CIR 20-21/002 15-04-2020

Dear Parents 
Further to our Circular Number  BHSM/CIR 20-21/001 , please note that  parents who have already paid the increased fees for the first quarter for the session 2020-21 , the extra amount  paid by you will be adjusted against the fees for the second quarter .

BHSM/CIR 20-21/001 Fee Circular 15-04-2020

Dear Parents
Reference  to our  circular number  BHSM/CIR 19-20/036   dated 19/02/2020   informing you   about  a nominal  increase  in the  fees which was  to be  implemented from  April  2020 . Nevertheless, the present  situation merits  a considerate  view to the extent  possible and practical.  Therefore 
● In view of the unprecedented  situation created  by  the  spread  of  COVID 19 and keeping  in line  with  the  advice  of  the  State Government of West Bengal, the  school  will  not  charge any  increased  fees for  the  time  being. 
● Instead  of  asking for  fees of the  first  quarter  in April  2020, the  last  date  for  fees payment at the  old rate , without  any late fee  charges has been  extended  up to 31st July 2020. 
The school  endeavours to stand  by  parents  and  students in  this  hour  of need and  assures  quality  instruction, the  hindrance  of COVID 19 not  withstanding.
M Sengupta 
Birla  High  School  Mukundapur

BHSM/CIR 19-20/044 BOOKLIST- 2020-21 19-03-2020

Dear Parents,

Please opt for online delivery of the Books & Stationery from our authorized agent “Kotha O Kahini” through instead of visiting the bookstore personally. This will help to avoid a gathering at the bookstore.

Click on the respective class of your ward to view the Booklist--

 Mrs M Sengupta


Birla High School – Mukundapur
