BHS/M/CIR/18-19/014 18-01-2019
- 19th March 2019- Report Cards to be viewed Online
- 20th March 2019- Annual Prize Day
- 21st March 2019 to 29th March 2019- Session Break for students
- 30th March 2019- Stationery to be submitted to the New Class Teachers (Nursery --Class V)
- 1st April 2019-- Commencement of the New Academic Session 2019-20
BHSM/CIR 18-19/013 ANNUAL CONCERT 03-01-2019
Dear Parents,
Wishing you a ‘Very Happy New Year’!!!
It gives us immense pleasure to stage the Annual Concert, “Together Forever” to commemorate our Founder’s Day on 12th January 2019, Saturday.
The participants are to report in school at the given time:--
- Nursery-- sharp at 7:45 a.m.
- KG--sharp at 9:45 a.m.
- Classes I and II--sharp at 7:45 a.m.
Click here to view the invitation card.
N.B.--The invitation card admits only 2 persons.
A Book Fair has been arranged for the students.
Mrs. H. Prasad
BHSM/CIR 18-19/012 GRANDPARENTS' DAY 16-11-2018
Dear Grandparents,
“Times Change but Values Don’t..”-Shri. S.K.Birla.
Keeping this valuable quote of our founder in mind we have organized Grandparents’ Day on Saturday, 8th December 2018.
A firm foundation is the best gift you have given to your grandchildren. To carry this legacy forward we wish to invite you to come and enrich your grandchildren with your experience and love on this special day. Together we shall celebrate the unique position you occupy in your family and our lives.
We would request you, dear grandparents to participate in any one of the following activities by checking the box against it in the consent form and making this day a memorable one for all of us
- Flower Arrangement
- Art
- Craft
- Music
- Food without fire
Kindly fill the consent forms and send it to the Class Teachers of your grandchild by Monday, 19th November 2018. We will notify the time once we get the consent forms.
N.B-- Two grandparents per child are invited.
Click here to download the Consent Form
Click here to view the Invitation Card
Thank You
Mrs. H. Prasad
BHSM/CIR 18-19/011 CHILDREN'S DAY 12-11-2018
Dear Parents,
We will be celebrating Children’s Day on Wednesday, 14th November 2018. On this special day the students of Classes I and II may wear formal coloured clothes to school.
All classes from Nursery to Class II will be dispersed at 12:30 p.m. on account of this special occasion.
Parents of students availing the transport services need to be present at the drop point accordingly. Parents escorting the students and car pool kindly make it convenient to collect your ward sharp at 12:30 p.m.
Thank you
Mrs. H. Prasad
BHSM/CIR 18-19/010 08-10-2018
Sub. : Report Cards & Open House
Dear Parents,
The report cards for the First Term of your wards can be viewed in the school’s ERP- www.bhsmcampuscare.in on 12th October, 2018 from 10 a.m.
Please follow the details appended below to view the report card:-
- Kindly follow the instructions to view the report card by clicking here.
- Please also ensure that the broad band connectivity is strong.
13th October, 2018 (Saturday) - Open House for the parents.
- Kindly ensure that you carry a signed copy of the report card for your interaction with the teacher.
- Roll numbers:
1 - 10 - 8:00 a.m.- 9:00 a.m.
11 - 20 - 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
21 - 30 - 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.
31 - 40 - 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
- Parents are strictly required to maintain the time slots given above. Attendance is Mandatory. You are to first meet the class teacher, submit the signed copy of the report card & thereafter meet the other subject teachers if need be.
- A book fair has been organized on the same day. They will be offering a 10% discount on all books.
- On 13th October, 2018 you are to bring your ward along with you in his/her school uniform (Classes I and II) at the stipulated time.
Best wishes for the forthcoming festive season.
Mrs. H. Prasad
BHSM/CIR 18-19/009 24-09-2018
Dear Parents,
Joy of Giving Week is India's very own 'Festival of Giving' that happens from October 2 to 8. It aims at spreading joy and happiness among those who need help. We at Birla High School-Mukundapur would like to spread the joy of giving with the less fortunate at Calcutta Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, a day care centre for the elderly.
We would like your cooperation to make this a success and a learning experience for our students. Kindly co-operate by sending the following items with your ward by Friday the 28th of September, 2018.
- NurseryA - 1 Boroline
- Nursery B- Soap (set of 3)
- Nursery C- 1 Hand towel
- KG A- 1 packet of tea
- KG B- 1 small bottle of shampoo
- KG C- 1 small packet of detergent
- Class I– 1small bottle of coconut oil
- Class II- 1 small hand-wash.
All the above items should be within Rs.30/-
Thank You
Mrs. H. Prasad
BHSM/CIR 18-19/008 17-09-2018
Dear Parents
This is to notify that we have scheduled a Parent Teacher Meeting on 13th October 2018, Saturday to discuss the academic progress of your wards.
The details of the meeting including the timings will be notified closer to the scheduled date.
Attendance is mandatory.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation
Mrs. H. Prasad
BHSM/CIR 18-19/007 10-09-2018
Dear Parents
This is to notify that all classes from Nursery to Class II will be suspended on Friday, 14th September 2018 on account of Teachers’ Day Celebration organized by the Management.
Thank You
Mrs. H. Prasad
BHSM/CIR 18-19/006 24-08-2018
Dear Parents,
We are all aware of the natural calamity that Kerala, has undergone in the past few days. We at Birla High School-Mukundapur feel the need to step forward and contribute in our own way to bring smiles on their faces again.
I appeal to you to send us your contribution in cash through your ward from Tuesday, 28th August 2018 till Friday, 31st August 2018. A minimum contribution of Rs.100/- would be appreciated. Kindly send the same in a sealed envelope with your ward’s name, class and section mentioned.
A small sacrifice on our part will surely go a long way in helping our brothers and sisters of Kerala.
I thank you in advance for your generosity.
Mrs. H. Prasad
BHSM/CIR 18-19/005 24-08-2018
This is to notify that all classes from Nursery to Class II will be dispersed at 12 noon on Tuesday, 28th August 2018 to enable the teachers to attend a meeting at the main campus (Moira Street).
Parents of students availing the transport services need to be present at the drop point accordingly. Parents escorting the students and car pool kindly make it convenient to collect your ward sharp at 12 noon.
Thank you
Mrs. H. Prasad