Notice List

BHSM/CIR 18-19/00924/09/2018

Dear Parents,

Joy of Giving Week is India's very own 'Festival of Giving' that happens from October 2 to 8. It aims at spreading joy and happiness among those who need help. We at Birla High School-Mukundapur would like to spread the joy of giving with the less fortunate at Calcutta Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, a day care centre for the elderly.

We would like your cooperation to make this a success and a learning experience for our students. Kindly co-operate by sending the following items with your ward by Friday the 28th of September, 2018.

  1. NurseryA  - 1 Boroline
  2. Nursery B- Soap (set of 3)
  3. Nursery C- 1 Hand towel
  4. KG A-  1 packet of tea
  5. KG B- 1 small bottle of shampoo
  6. KG C- 1 small packet of detergent
  7. Class I– 1small bottle of coconut oil
  8. Class II- 1 small hand-wash.

All the above items should be within Rs.30/-

Thank You

Mrs. H. Prasad
