BHSM/CIR 22-23/027 09-01-2023
Spell Bee 2022-23
Class I to Class IX
Dear Parents,
Kindly find the schedule of 2nd Level Spell Bee & Handwriting competition for Class I – IX.
Exam Room: In the respective classes
Date: Tuesday, 10th January 2023
Time: 12:30 pm – 1 pm
Those students who have registered for both the exams will appear Spell Bee first followed by the Handwriting Competition. Please carry your own set of stationery to answer the exam.
Please click here to find the names of the registered candidates.
H. Prasad
Birla High School - Mukundapur
BHSM/CIR 22-23/026 06-01-2023
Dear Parents,
Saturday, 14th January 2023 will be a working day for Classes Nursery to IX in lieu of the classes missed in December 2022 due to inter-school fests.
School timing on Saturday, 14th January 2023 will be as usual:
Nursery – 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
KG – 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Classes I to IX - 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Please note:
•Thursday's timetable will be followed.
•Attendance will be mandatory for all students.
•Transport service will be available.
Thank You,
Ms. H. Prasad
BHSM/CIR 22-23/025 06-01-2023
Dear Grandparents,
“Times Change but Values Don’t..”-Shri. S.K.Birla.
As we keep in mind this important phrase by our founder, it gives us immense pleasure to invite you to Grandparents’ Day at Birla High School - Mukundapur on Saturday, 28th January 2023.
Let us continue celebrating the special bond between grandparents and grandchildren. In order to make this day an unforgettable one for all of us, we request you, dear grandparents, to participate in any one of the fun-filled activities listed in the consent form.
Kindly fill the consent form and send it to your grandchild’s class teacher by Friday, 13th January 2023. The first 5 entries per event will be accepted per class.
1.Reporting time for Participants and Non Participants is 9:45 a.m.
2.Your grandchild should be in school uniform and carry his/her tiffin box and water bottle.
3.Due to space constraint, we will be able to accommodate only 2 grandparents per student.
Please download the Consent form and click here to view the invite.
Thank you
Mrs. H. Prasad
BHSM/CIR 22-23/024 03-01-2023
Annual Excursion Circular for Classes V to IX
Dear Parents,
Excursions are a key way to develop a child's confidence as he/she can explore and begin to understand the real world. This confidence is vital to his/her development because it shows that he/she has developed the necessary skills to augment his/her social quotient.
Keeping the above in mind the Annual Excursion for the students of Classes V to IX has been organized at Golden Glow on Wednesday, 18th January 2023.
Tour Itinerary-- Report to school at 8:00 am and back to school at 4:00 pm.(Parents must make arrangements to pick up their wards from school. However they may avail the school transport while reporting to school)
Total Cost for the excursion--Rs. 700/- per head which includes transportation, breakfast, lunch, hiring charges of the resort, and all taxes.
Last Date for Registration--Tuesday 10th January 2023.
Thanking You
N.B. While all responsible measures and care for safety of students will be taken by the school, the management does not accept any liability in the course of travel by bus during excursions or in any case of accidents, theft or robbery.
Payment Process:
Registration will start from Wednesday, 5th January 08:00 Hrs and will continue till Tuesday, 10th January, 2023, 23:59 Hrs
Payment will be collected online only through the process mentioned below:-
I. For Campus Care Website / Portal users:
Step 1: Log on to Campus care portal via parent ID
Step 2: Click on “Personal” Tab (On the left-hand side of the screen)
Step 3: Click on “Event Participation”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
II. For Campus Care Mobile Application users:
Step 1: Login with Parent ID
Step 2: Click on “Fee Payment” tab
Step 3: Click on” Participate in an upcoming Events- Participate Now”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
Please click to fill the Google form
BHSM/CIR 22-23/023 19-12-2022
Dear Parents,
We are hosting our maiden Inter-School Cultural and Innovation Fest, Kaleidoscope 2022 on Wednesday, 21st December 2022 and Thursday, 22nd December 2022. Please find attached the Invitation Card for the event.
Kaleidoscope 2022, will provide a platform for the students of Classes VI to IX to nurture their potential resulting in the confluence of art and innovation.
The attendance of the students of Classes VIII and IX is mandatory. Transport service will be available, the above-mentioned students will report at normal time.
Participants from Classes VI and VII may also report at normal time. Transport facilities for bus students will be available.
Dispersal for the above-mentioned classes at normal time.
Please note that classes from Nursery to Class VII will remain suspended on the above-mentioned dates to enable students and teachers to participate in all the activities.
Kindly click here to view the card
BHSM/CIR 22-23/022 15-12-2022
SOF Olympiad NCO 2022-23
Class I - IX
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that our school will conduct the NCO Olympiad through offline mode in the school campus.
Please note the details for the same.
Date of NCO: Thursday, 20th December 2022.
Briefing Time: 12:30 pm – 12:45 pm
Time of NCO: 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm
Allotted Rooms for NCO: Nursery D, KG C in the First Floor.
Seating Arrangement
SNo | Class | Total no. of students | Exam Room |
1 | II & V | 41 | Nur D |
2 | I, III, IV, VI, VII & VIII | 40 | KG A |
81 |
The students must carry their Admit card.
They must also go through the other side of the admit card to understand how to respond in the OMR sheet. However briefing will be given in the class before the commencement of the exam.
Please click on the download button to view the names of the students who will be appearing for the SOF – NCO.
DownloadBHSM/CIR 22-23/021 13-12-2022
Dear Parents,
We will be celebrating the Founder’s Day of our school on Friday, 16th December, 2022. Various activities to mark the occasion will be conducted on this day.
We are hosting SPELLYMPIC 2022, an Inter-School Spelling and Word Building Competition. Please find attached the Invitation Card for the event.
The attendance of the students of Classes IV and V is mandatory. Transport service will be available, the above-mentioned students will report at 10:00 am. They must bring their tiffin and water bottle.
The members of the Students’ Council and the Class Representatives of Classes VI to IX will be on duty. They will report sharp at 9:00 am.
All our students, teachers and office staff will contribute towards a greener planet by planting a sapling on this day. We look forward to your co-operation.
Please note that classes will remain suspended on Friday, 16th December, 2022 to enable students and teachers to participate in all the activities.
Kindly click here to view the card
BHSM/CIR 22-23/020 12-12-2022
Parent Teacher Meeting
Dear Parents
Please be informed that Parent -Teacher Meeting for Nursery to Class IX is scheduled on Saturday, 17th December 2022 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Please make it convenient to attend the PTM on the above-mentioned date and the stipulated time as mentioned by your ward’s respective Class Teacher. The student will accompany his/her parent in school uniform at the stipulated time.
We request you to utilize this opportunity and have a crisp and short meeting with the teachers to interact about the academic performance of your child. In order to facilitate all parents to get an opportunity to interact with teachers, you are kindly requested to refrain from exceeding the time limit of 5 minutes given to you.
Kindly visit the Book Fair which has been organized on the same day in Compound 2 and also an Exhibition in the Prayer Hall showcasing the work of your ward’s relentless work.
Thanking you once again for your kind cooperation.
Mrs Hira Prasad
Birla High School - Mukundapur
N.B. à Entry through Gate No 4
BHSM/CIR 22-23/019 11-12-2022
SOF Olympiad IMO 2022-23
Class I - IX
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that our school will conduct the IMO Olympiad through offline mode in the school campus.
Please note the details for the same.
Date of IMO: Tuesday, 13th December 2022.
Briefing Time: 12:30 pm – 12:45 pm
Time of IMO: 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm
Allotted Rooms for IMO:
- Nursery A & B in the Ground Floor &
- Nursery D, KG A, B, C & D in the First Floor
Sitting Arrangements
Sl No | Class | Total No of Students | Assessment Room |
1 | IV, VI, VIII | 41 | Nur D |
2 | I, VII & IX | 39 | KGC |
3 | V | 26 | KG D |
4 | IIA & IID | 29 | NURSERY A |
5 | IIB & IIC | 24 | NURSERY B |
6 | IIIA & IIIC | 22 | KGB |
7 | IIIB & IIID | 26 | KGA |
| 206 |
The students must carry their Admit card.
They must also go through the other side of the admit card to understand how to respond in the OMR sheet. However briefing will be given in the class before the commencement of the exam.
Please click on the Download Tab to find the names of the students who will be appearing for the SOF – IMO.
H Prasad
DownloadBHSM/CIR 22-23/018 28-11-2022
SOF Olympiad NSO 2022-23
Class I - IX
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that our school will conduct the NSO Olympiad through offline mode in the school campus.
Please note the details for the same.
Date of NSO: Thursday, 01st December 2022.
Briefing Time: 12:30 pm – 12:45 pm
Time of NSO: 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm
Allotted Rooms for NSO: Nursery D, KG C, KG D & IT Junior Lab in the First Floor.
Sitting Arrangements
Sl No | Class | Total No of Students | Assessment Room |
1 | III & IX | 41 | Nur D |
2 | II, VI & VIII | 39 | Jr IT Lab |
3 | IV & VII | 41 | KG C |
4 | I & V | 41 | KG D |
| 162 |
The students must carry their Admit card.
They must also go through the other side of the admit card to understand how to respond in the OMR sheet. However briefing will be given in the class before the commencement of the exam.
Please click on the Download Tab to find the names of the students who will be appearing for the SOF – NSO.
H Prasad