BHSM/CIR 23-24/012 01-09-2023
Classes Nursery to X
First Term Assessments
Dear Parents,
Kindly note the dates for the First Term Assessments:
Classes III to V – Monday 25.9.23 to Wednesday 4.10.23.
Classes VI to VIII – Thursday 21.9.23 to Friday 6.10.23.
Classes IX & X- Wednesday 20.9.23 to Friday 6.10.23.
Dispersal for students of Classes Nursery to X will be at 12:30 p.m. due to the first-term assessments.
After-school activities for Classes III to X will be suspended from Wednesday 20.9.23 until further notice.
Ms. H Prasad
BHSM/CIR 23-24/011 01-09-2023
Classes Nursery to X
Teachers' Day Celebration
Dear Parents, Kindly note on account of the Teachers’ Day celebration the school will get over at 12.30 p.m. on Tuesday, 5.9.23. After-school activities and remedial classes for Classes III to X will remain suspended on that day.
Ms. H Prasad
BHSM/CIR 23-24/010 22-08-2023
NOTICE FOR CLASS X (2023-2024)
On account of BOARD REGISTRATION for students of class X, the parents are requested to pay the Registration fee of Rs.1925/-, the details are as follows :
· Board Registration Fee : Rs.1,800.00
· Processing Fee : Rs. 125.00
Total : Rs.1,925.00
Please make the necessary payment by Monday, 28th August, 2023 using the Campus Care portal as given below
· Payment Process:
Payment for registration fees & Forwarding/Processing Fee will be collected online only through the process mentioned below:-
I. For CampusCare Website/Portal users:
Step 1: Log on to Campus Care Portal via parent ID
Step 2: Click on “Personal” Tab (On the left-hand side of the screen)
Step 3: Click on “Event Participation”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
II. For CampusCare Mobile Application users:
Step 1: Login with Parent ID
Step 2: Click on ‘Fee Payment’ tab
Step 3: Click on “Participate in an upcoming Events- Participate Now”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
Thanking You
BHSM/CIR 23-24/009 04-08-2023
Dear Parents
Please be informed that Parent -Teacher Meeting for Nursery to Class X is scheduled on Saturday, 12th August 2023 from 8 a.m. onwards.
Please make it convenient to attend the PTM on the above-mentioned date and the stipulated time as mentioned by your ward’s respective Class Teacher.
We request you to utilize this opportunity and have a crisp and short meeting with the teachers to interact about the academic performance of your child. In order to facilitate all parents to get an opportunity to interact with teachers, you are kindly requested to refrain from exceeding the time limit of 5 minutes given to you.
Kindly visit the Book Fair which has been organized on the same day in Compound 2.
Thanking you for your kind cooperation.
Mrs Hira Prasad
Birla High School - Mukundapur
BHSM/CIR 23-24/008 04-08-2023
Dear Parents,
Greetings from Birla High School – Mukundapur.
Financial Literacy among students is the need of the hour. We take pleasure to inform you that BHS-M has tied up with the ‘Investors Financial Education Academy’ to ensure that this 21st century skill is instilled among students. This program on financial literacy focuses on the knowledge children of today’s genre need, which will help them to make correct and informed monetary decisions and stay cautious. Our Class V students have completed Level I and will be moving to Level II in August 2023. We now are extending this project to the students of Class IV. The entire program will be inter-woven into the present curriculum ensuring that the planned syllabus progresses without any changes. We look forward to your support so that all of us together can bring out effective and productive overall changes to scale new heights.
We request you be present for an orientation to update you with the details regarding this program on the date, time and venue mentioned below:
Date: Wednesday, 9th August 2023.
Registration Time: 8 a.m.
Venue: AVR, Saarang, Birla High School - Mukundapur
We hope you will reserve your precious time to attend the meeting. Please download the E-Card to get all the details.
Thank you!
H Prasad
Birla High School – Mukundapur
BHSM/CIR 23-24/007 26-07-2023
SOF Olympiad Exams 2023-24
Class I - X
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that our school will organize the Olympiad Examinations conducted by Science Olympiad Foundation through offline mode.
Please note the details for the same.
Sl No | Olympiad | Subject | Date | Exam Registration Fees in ₹ | Study Material in ₹ |
1 | SOF - IGKO | GK | Tuesday 10th Oct 2023 | 125 | 100 |
2 | SOF - IEO | English | Thursday 2nd Nov 2023 | 125 | 100 |
3 | SOF - NSO | Science | Tuesday 5th Dec 2023 | 125 | 100 |
4 | SOF - IMO | Mathematics | Thursday 14th Dec 2023 | 125 | 100 |
5 | SOF - NCO | Cyber | Tuesday 19th Dec 2023 | 125 | 100 |
· Appearing for the Olympiads is OPTIONAL.
· Time of examination will be shared closure to the date of the examination.
· Study Materials
I. Procuring Study Material is optional.
II. Study material is available in hard copy only
· Registration for SOF will be done through campus care only. Please log on to the campus care as per instructions below and select your wards’ preferred subject(s) and make the payment. Only on the receipt of the payment against the subjects, we will be able to register your ward.
· Payment Process:
Payment for registration fees and the study material fees will be collected online only through the process mentioned below:-
I. For Campus Care Website/Portal users:
Step 1: Log on to Campus care portal via parent ID
Step 2: Click on “Personal” Tab (On the left hand side of the screen)
Step 3: Click on “Event Participation”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
II. For Campus Care Mobile Application users:
Step 1: Login with Parent ID
Step 2: Click on ‘Fee Payment” tab
Step 3: Click on” Participate in an upcoming Events- Participate Now”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
· Please be noted that only on receipt of the both consent form and registration fees through Campus care, your ward will be registered for the said examination.
· Registration Date will commence from Tuesday 1st August 2023 from 00:00 hrs and will end on Tuesday 15th August 2023 at 11:59 pm.
Birla High School - Mukundapur
BHSM/CIR 23-24/006 15-07-2023
Dear Parents
Please download the E-Nach Registration Module, if you desire to pay the school fees using ECS mode of payment.
A gentle reminder from the next academic session this mode of payment will be mandatory. It has the option of both Monthly and Quarterly mode of payment.
Your cooperation is solicited.
DownloadKARATE CIRCULAR 05-07-2023
Dear Parents,
We are planning to conduct a Karate Belt Gradation examination on 18th August, 2023 (Friday) for students with your consent (as it is optional) during school hours after their long break on the given date. The duration would be of 2.5 hours. If you desire that your ward will undertake the examination then the Belt Gradation Form needs to be duly filled (a printout needs to be taken) and submitted to School with the receipt printout of the requisite fees paid and the last Grade certificate (if any) latest by Thursday 10th August 2023. The Karate Gi (uniform) is mandatory for the examination. Students who do not have the uniform need to purchase one before the gradation examination (uniform price list attached for reference) latest by Friday 4th August 2023. The required measurements are recorded in your ward’s diary.
Also attached is the price list for Karate equipment for students participating in the relevant Annual Sports performance.
Please Note: The payment for fees and uniform are to be done online via the given QR code under the attached Fee Chart. After payment in the comment section kindly furnish the following details:
- Name of your ward
- Class
- Section
- Adm. No.
Click here to view the details of the Karate Gi and the equipments.
Download the Examination Gradation Form
BHSM/CIR 23-24/005 24-06-2023
Dear Parents
Transport facilities will not be available on Thursday 6th July and Friday 7th July 2023 because the entire fleet has been taken over for the convenience of the election commission and the movement of armed forces on the above-mentioned dates, for Panchayat Election.
The buses will be deployed for regular school duty from Monday, 10th July,2023.
Inconvenience is regretted.
Your cooperation is solicited.
Warm Regards
BHSM/CIR 23-24/004 09-06-2023
Educational Excursion for Classes V to X
Dear Parents/Guardians
We propose to conduct an educational trip-cum-excursion for the students of Classes V to X during Puja holidays. This sort of tour for the students have become a part of education and help develop a sense of national integration and foster friendship. Your consent for participation of your ward is solicited.
NAME OF THE TOUR: Adventure Trip to Manali
DURATION: 8 days
TOTAL TOUR COST: Rs. 28,500/- per head which includes train fare 3AC up & dn. AC transportation, accommodation, all meals, entry fees, guided tour, and all taxes.
TENTATIVE DATE OF JOURNEY: 25th /26th October 2023 to 1st / 2nd November 2023.
LAST DATE OF REGISTRATION: Friday, 26th June 2023. (Train tickets to be purchased 4 months before).
N.B.: While all reasonable measures and care for safety of the students will be taken by the school, the management does not accept any liability in the course of travel by train or in any mode of travel during such excursions or in case of any accident, theft or robbery.
MODE OF PAYMENT: Payment will be collected online only through Campus Care by following the process mentioned below :-
I. For Campus Care Website/Portal users:
Step 1: Log on to Campus care portal via parent ID
Step 2: Click on “Personal” Tab (On the left-hand side of the screen)
Step 3: Click on “Event Participation”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
II. For Campus Care Mobile Application users:
Step 1: Login with Parent ID
Step 2: Click on ‘Fee Payment” tab
Step 3: Click on” Participate in an upcoming Events- Participate Now”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
TEACHER- IN-CHARGE: Mr. Kedernath Kundu (8240484761)
TOUR CONDUCTED BY: TRAVEL INDIA, PH NO. – 9831025147 / 9830799370
N.B. Final tour Itinerary will be provided to the students later.
Thank you
Yours Sincerely
Hira Prasad
Please download the Consent Form and send it by the above mentioned dates after payment.