Notice List

BHSM/CIR 20-21/019 30-11-2020

Notice to Parents Regarding Payment of School Fees

Dear Parents,

 In these deeply troubled and testing times for all, solidarity is perhaps the best means with which to face the situation. We would like to thank the very many parents for their patience, support and mature understanding in these difficult times, particularly those who have paid school fees in time and those who have paid the full fees.

For our part, our reciprocal concerns reach back to the early days of the crisis which prompted us to take various steps, within our limitations, well before they were requested or mandated. The school has intended to stand by its students and proactively moved in taking multiple steps in accommodating and understanding difficulties of parents facing financial pressures.

The Hon’ble High Court at Kolkata directed under Para 61 Clause 18 of its Order dated that 30th November 2020 was the last date for payment of fees to ensure continuity of schooling. A large majority of parents have followed this, while a limited number applied for further concessions, which have been/are being addressed as per the said Order, and the applicants have been/are being informed individually.

For those parents who may not yet have made the payment as per the Order, we wish to inform you that in the interests of students and also for your convenience, we are voluntarily extending a limited flexibility for the month of December 2020. It is sincerely expected and requested that all dues will be cleared within our self-extended time frame upto 31st December 2020.

We respectfully again reproduce the Hon’ble High Court’s statement in its order “Parents and guardians of students are requested not to avail of the reduction in schools fees, if their financial situation does not merit the reduction. However, if any set of guardians or parents obtains the benefit, no questions in such regard can be asked”.

It is also conceivable that you may wish to consider alternative schooling venues for your ward. Therefore, in the event any parent wishes to withdraw/transfer your ward as we approach the end of the Academic Session 2020-21, kindly be informed that Para 61 Clause 20 of the said Order of the Hon’ble High Court shall be followed in this regard.

For propriety, we may mention that the overall matter of fees etc., continues to be sub-judice and hence the above is without prejudice to our right and obligations. Final orders of the Hon’ble Courts shall be applicable as and when delivered.

Stay Safe and Well.


Brig.(retd) V. N. Chaturvedi

Secretary General

Vidya Mandir Society



BHSM/CIR 20-21/018 19-11-2020

Dear Parents,


In reference to the “Fee Notice HC Order” dated 31.10.2020 posted on our website’s homepage, you can now pay the fees Online through Campus Care.

Kindly click here to view the steps to be followed.

Ms. M. Sengupta


BHSM/CIR 20-21/017 05-10-2020

Dear Parents , Teachers and Students 

 Global Health Foundation, a Bangalore based organisation will be conducting a session on menstrual hygiene for all the girl students of Class IV, V, VI & VII and the teachers .  The session is scheduled for Saturday  October 10, 2020 from  9 am to 9.45 am , and  will be  followed by a question and answer session. Mothers of the students  may also join the session . The session  will be conducted through Zoom, the link and the password will be sent through Campus Care for security reasons.



BHSM/CIR 20-21/016 01-10-2020

Dear Parents,

 In view of the continuing pandemic, the management has decided to extend the concessions in fee payment that were offered in the first & second quarters to the 3rd quarter also (October, 2020 to December, 2020). 

We sincerely hope and trust that all of you remain safe.

 Please do take good care of yourselves.


 Mrs. M. Sengupta


Birla High School – Mukundapur

BHSM/CIR 20-21/015 10-09-2020

School Opening Consent Form

Dear Parents,

 Please select your desired option, fill up the form below and submit by Monday, 14th September 2020.


 Mrs. M. Sengupta


Birla High School - Mukundapur

Please click here to download the consent form.

BHSM/CIR 20-21/014 06-09-2020

SOF Olympiad Exams 2020-21

Dear Parents,

 Please note the schedule and other details with regard to SOF Olympiad Exams 2020-21.


Sl No




Exam Registration Fees in ₹

Study Material in ₹




Sunday, 6 December, 2020






Sunday, 13 December, 2020






Sunday, 24 January, 2021






Sunday, 31 January, 2021



** Time of exam will be informed shortly by SOF

Please note that students of Class I – VII can sit for the examination. However appearing for the Olympiads is OPTIONAL.

Study Materials: Procuring Study Materials is also optional. Study materials are available in hard copy and e-book. In case you opt for hard copy, you have to collect the same from the school premises. The date of collection of the books will be informed duly. The link of the e-book will be mailed duly to those who would opt for e-books.

 Payment Process: Payment will be collected online only through the process mentioned below:-


 For Campus Care Website/Portal users:

 Step 1:  Log on to Campus care portal via parent ID


 Step 2: Click on “Personal” Tab (On the left hand side of the screen)

 Step 3: Click on “Event Participation”

 Step 4: Check the box which will is applicable & make the payment.

  For Campus Care Mobile Application users:

 Step 1: Login with Parent ID 


 Step 2: Click on ‘Fee Payment” tab

 Step 3: Click on” Participate in an upcoming Events- Participate Now”

 Step 4: Check the box which will be applicable & make the payment.

Consent Form: A consent form is attached herewith. You are requested to fill in the form and mail the scanned copy of the same along with the Payment receipt, to [email protected] by September 30, 2020. Please write SOF Participation Details, Space, Name, Class and Section of the student in the Subject of the email. E.g.  “SOF Participation Details - Debasree Chatterjee VII A”.

Click here to download the consent form




BHSM/CIR 20-21/013 26-08-2020

Circular for Classes II to VII


Hello Parents

 Hope you are all in good health. We are pleased to inform you that we are hosting a Webinar for parents of Classes II to VII entitled “Parenting in the New Normal” on Monday, 31st August 2020, 5:00 p.m. onwards.


 The session will be conducted by our school counsellors  over Zoom and we expect that it will be for an hour.  It will address our common fears and anxieties and help us to develop strategies in order that we may remain positive and help our children to do the same in these stressful times. 


The meeting link will be posted in Campus Care for security reasons.




BHSM/CIR 20-21/012 25-08-2020

Circular for Classes III to VII

Dear Parents                                                                                                                                                                 

The purpose of education is to develop  cognitive as well as interpersonal skills.  Due to the current pandemic, children are missing out on the experience of interacting with their peers. We strongly feel that our young learners should get the  opportunity  to  share their thoughts with their friends.

In order to  facilitate  the emotional and social development of our students we have decided to offer  “We Time” to them.

Starting, Saturday 29th August 2020, every Saturday from 9.30 a.m. to 10 a.m. students will be able to log in to a link entitled “We Time”  in their respective Google Classrooms . Parents,  please note

We hope you will allow your ward to participate in the interaction sessions  which will allow them to develop their social skills and go a long way in restoring their emotional wellbeing.

Stay safe  

 Warm regards

M Sengupta


BHSM/CIR 20-21/011 19-08-2020

Dear Parents,

Hoping that you are all doing well.

Further to the order of the Hon’ble Calcutta High Court pronounced on 17th August, 2020, all parents are hereby requested to pay school fees as directed by the Hon’ble High Court by 24th August, 2020. Fees may be paid in any of the following mode:

  •       By Cash/ Account Payee Cheque at the school’s accounts office from  11 am to 3 pm from 19th August, 2020 to 24th August, 2020 (Both days inclusive).


  •     Through NEFT, the details of which is given below: -

A/c Name             -         BIRLA HIGH SCHOOL MUKUNDAPUR

Bank Name           -         ICICI Bank

5, Gorky Terrace, Kolkata – 700 017

Account No.          -         031201003483

IFSC Code             -         ICIC0000312


In case the fee payment is made by NEFT, the details of the payment may kindly be shared with the school’s accounts office on the following email:

[email protected]

Further to the above, please note that the 1st Quarter Reduced Fees (April 2020 – June 2020) payable is as under:

Reduced Fees Due          80% of Due Fees

·       For Classes Nursery – VII               Rs. 23,950/-                    Rs. 18,872/-

Cooperation from all parents will be highly appreciated.


Mrs. M. Sengupta



BHSM/CIR 20-21/010 18-08-2020


Classes : Nursery, KG, Class I

Dear Parents,

Amid all the uncertainty and fear, adjusting to the new normal is overwhelming.The meaning of the word 'home' has  changed. As a parent,  your ability  to step into several different roles is commendable. Juggling office work ,household chores  and as well as keeping your child occupied and stress free is no mean task.
Keeping this in mind the counsellors of Birla High School Mukundapur have taken an initiative - to reach out to you virtually through a webinar "Parenting during the Pandemic"


The webinar will be conducted through Zoom and the meeting link will be posted in the Campus Care Portal and Google Classroom for security reason. 
Please find below the date and time--
Date: Saturday, 22nd August 2020
Time: 5:00 pm onwards
