BHSM/CIR 19-20/024 31-10-2019
Dear Parents,
International Institute of Hotel Management (IIHM) is organizing the “Young Chef Indian Schools 2020” – a cooking competition for students between 9 years and 13 years.
Students who wish to participate in the competition are to cook a dish and bring it to school on Monday, 4th November 2019.
He or she should also bring a serving dish to present the same.
Students who qualify in this preliminary round will participate in the next round, which will be held at the IIHM Campus (Sector – V, Salt Lake) sometime next week, where students will need to cook by themselves.
If your ward wants to participate in the competition, please write to his/her class teacher on Campus Care by 1st November 2019, Friday 6 p.m.
Thanking you,
M. Sengupta
Birla High School - Mukundapur
BHSM/CIR 19-20/023 31-10-2019
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that we will celebrate Children’s Day on Thursday 14th November 2019.
Please note the following with regard to 14th November 2019.
● Students may come to school in coloured dress.
● Students will come to school at the usual time.
● Dispersal will be at 11 a.m.
● For students who avail the school bus, buses will leave from school at 10:50 a.m. Kindly make arrangements to have your ward picked up accordingly.
Thanking you,
M. Sengupta
Birla High School - Mukundapur
BHSM/CIR 19-20/022 12-09-2019
Dear Parents,
You will be happy to know that You may also pay online through Campus Care portal if you want your ward to be a part of the educational tour to Shantiniketan and Massanjore. Please click here to download the consent form, fill it and send it to your ward’s class teacher by Monday 23rd September, 2019.
Thanking you,
With warm regards,
Birla High School - Mukundapur
BHSM/CIR 19-20/021 12-09-2019
Dear Parents,
You will be happy to know that an educational tour to Shantiniketan and Massanjore has been planned for the students of Class IV, V & VI in January 2020.
Teachers will accompany the students.
The dates for the tour are 2nd, 3rd & 4th January 2020.
An itinerary is being sent through your ward.
If you want your ward to be a part of the tour, please click here to download the consent form, fill it, enclose a Pay Order/Demand Draft of Rs 4,500/- drawn in favour of Birla High School – Mukundapur and send it to your ward’s class teacher by Monday 23rd September, 2019.
You may also pay online through Campus Care portal.
Please note that cash/cheques will not be accepted.
Thanking you,
With warm regards,
Birla High School - Mukundapur
BHSM/CIR 19-20/020 12-09-2019
Dear Parents,
We are pleased to inform you that all students from Classes II to IV will participate in the All India Arithmetic Genius Inter School Contest 2019.
Students of Class-I will participate in the Bengal Junior Genius Inter School Contest 2019.
The above mentioned contests are being organized by SIP Academy India Pvt. Ltd.
Please note that the Round-1 of the contest will be held in school during school hours on Thursday 19th September, 2019 and there is no participation fee.
Thanking you,
With warm regards,
Birla High School - Mukundapur
BHSM/CIR 19-20/019 12-09-2019
Dear Parents,
As you know “ Joy of Giving Week” or “Daan Utsav” is India’s very own ‘Festival of Giving’ which is celebrated in the first week of October every year. It aims at spreading joy and happiness among the less fortunate. Since winter is approaching we thought it would be a good idea to gift blankets as part of the our school’s contribution towards “Daan Utsav”. The blankets will be handed over to the following :-
●The workers who are working round the clock to complete our school building.
●The elderly at Calcutta Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology.
●The slum children under the care of Sun NGO at Joka.
●Sabuj Path Vidyallaya at Shantiniketan which imparts education to the tribal children.
We request you to send a new blanket through your ward by 20th September’2019 to his/her class teacher. We have done a market survey and have found out that the blankets can be purchased in the price range of ₹. 100/- to ₹. 200/-. We seek your participation and cooperation to make this a successful learning experience for our students.
Thanking you,
With warm regards,
Birla High School - Mukundapur
BHSM/CIR 19-20/018 P.T. UNIFORM 24-08-2019
Dear Parents,
Keeping in mind the feedback given by parents regarding the P.T. uniform we have decided to alter the same.
Please note that the new P.T. uniform for both boys and girls will be as follows :
House coloured school prescribed T shirt and black school prescribed track pant.
This change will come into effect on and from the Annual Sport Meet of the school , which is scheduled for 1 st February 2020.
Warm Regards
M Sengupta
BHSM/CIR 19-20/017 19-08-2019
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that students from Class – III to Class – VI will be having their Half Yearly Assessments from Monday 2nd September 2019 to Thursday 12th September 2019.
Please note the school timings from 2nd September to 12th September 2019.
All students will report to school at the usual time.
Dispersal will be at 12:30 p.m. for all students from Nursery to Class – VI.
School buses will also leave the school at 12:30 p.m.
Regular timings will be followed from Friday 13th September 2019.
Thanking you,
With warm regards,
Birla High School - Mukundapur
BHSM/CIR 19-20/016 13-08-2019
Dear Parents,
We will be celebrating Independence Day in School on Thursday 15th August, 2019.
Students of Classes II, III, IV, V & VI will attend.
Students are to report to school at the usual school time and dispersal from school will be at 9:30 a.m.
Please note that school buses will pick-up the students and drop them home.
Birla High School - Mukundapur
BHSM/CIR 19-20/015 LEAVE APPLICATION 09-08-2019
Dear Parents,
We would like to remind you about the school rules with regard to Attendance.
Please refer to Page-7 – PUNCTUALITY AND ATTENDANCE in the School Diary.
The school does not encourage students taking leave during school time for social functions, family trips et
However, in case any student needs to take leave due to unavoidable circumstances, prior permission of the Headmistress/Principal has to be taken. Parents need to make a written application to the Headmistress/Principal. Depending on the merit of the case, the leave may either be sanctioned or refused. Parents are requested to comply with the decision of the school.
We seek your co-operation in teaching the students the value of punctuality and regularity.
Thanking you,
With warm regards,
Birla High School - Mukundapur