BHSM/CIR 23-24/022 13-10-2023
SOF IEO 2023-24
Classes I - X
Dear Parents,
SOF IEO will be conducted in school campus.
Please note the details below
Date of IEO: Thursday, 2nd November 2023.
Time of IEO: 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Seating Arrangement - IEO - 02-11-2023 | |||||||
| NUR A | NUR B | NUR C | NUR D | KG A | KG B | KG C |
I | 40 |
| 3 |
II |
| 40 |
| 6 |
| 40 | 8 |
IV |
| 10 | 40 |
V |
| 34 |
VI |
| 29 |
| 10 |
| 7 |
IX |
| 3 |
| 40 | 40 | 40 | 37 | 40 | 34 | 39 |
Please click here to view/download the name of the students.
BHSM/CIR 23-24/021 09-10-2023
Educational Excursion for Classes V to VIII
Dear Parents/Guardians,
We propose to conduct an educational trip-cum-excursion for the students of Classes V to VIII in the month of December 2023. The tour will be organised by Monarch Travels who has been associated with BHS-M for several excursions. Such tours for the students have become a part of their holistic education which will enable them to become aware of our rich culture and heritage.
Your consent for the participation of your ward is solicited.
Name of the Tour: Educational Trip to Shantiniketan
Duration: 3 days
Total Tour Cost: INR 6000/- per student which includes train fare AC chair car (to & fro), all transport & sightseeing by non-AC Sumo/Bolero/Mini coach, accommodation (3/4 in a room), all meals, all entry fees, guided tours and all taxes.
Tentative Date of Journey: 21st December 2023 to 23rd December 2023.
Dates of Registration: Monday, 9th to Saturday, 14th October 2023.
Final Tour Itinerary will be provided to the students later.
N.B.: While all reasonable measures and care for safety of the students will be taken by the school, the management does not accept any liability in the course of travel by train or in any mode of travel during such excursions or in case of any accident, theft or robbery.
MODE OF PAYMENT: Payment will be collected online only through Campus Care by following the process mentioned below:-
I. For Campus Care Website/Portal users:
Step 1: Log on to Campus care portal via parent ID
Step 2: Click on “Personal” Tab (On the left-hand side of the screen)
Step 3: Click on “Event Participation”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
II. For Campus Care Mobile Application users:
Step 1: Login with Parent ID
Step 2: Click on ‘Fee Payment” tab
Step 3: Click on” Participate in an upcoming Events- Participate Now”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
Warm Regards
Hira Prasad
Please click here to download the Consent Form and submit it duly signed to the class teacher by Friday, 13th October 2023.
BHSM/CIR 23-24/020 04-10-2023
SOF Olympiad Exams 2023-24
Class I - X
Dear Parents,
SOF IGKO will be conducted in the school campus.
Please note the details for the same.
Date of IGKO: Tuesday, 10th October 2023.
Time of IGKO: 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm
Seating Arrangement | |||
Sl No | Classes | No of Students | Exam Room |
1 | II + V | 20+20 = 40 | KGA |
2 | IV + VI | 30+8 = 38 | KGB |
3 | III | 31 | KGC |
4 | I + VII + VIII | 23+3+3 =29 | KGD |
BHSM/CIR 23-24/019 29-09-2023
Dear Parents,
You may start ordering / procuring your ward’s winter garments with immediate effect to avoid last minute hassles from our authorised vendors:
Victoria Plaza
2A, Shakespeare Sarani, 1st Floor (Sahara Sadan Complex) Opp. M. P. Birla Planetarium, Kolkata- 700071
Ph. : 2282 6246 Mob. : 9830253393 / 7044069108
ONLINE STORE https://shopatscholars.com/bhs-mukundapur
Ballygunge, 37A Garcha Road
Kolkata – 700019
# 033-35518195
Bidhan Nagar
AE – 332, Sector – I
Salt Lake City
Kolkata – 700064
# 033-23378556
134, M. G. Road
Kolkata – 700007
# 033-22693875
Mobile: 9830260838
Email: [email protected]
Ms. H. Prasad
BHSM/CIR 23-24/018 26-09-2023
Nursery to Class X
Spell Bee 2023-24
Handwriting Competition – 2023-24
Activity Contest – 2023-24
Dear Parents,
This is to inform you that the school is organizing the first level of the ‘Wiz National Spell Bee Competition’ which will be conducted in school by English Wizard Foundation on Friday, November 17, 2023.
Please note that participation in the above-mentioned competition is optional.
Categories in which the student may participate are appended hereunder:
For Nursery & KG
Activities Contest – Rs 200/-
For Class I - X
Spell Bee – Rs 150/-
Handwriting Competition - Rs 200/-
Please note the following:-
- Appearing for any of the above-mentioned Competition / Contest is OPTIONAL.
- Time of the examination / contest will be informed closer to the date of the examination.
- Registration will begin from Sunday 1st October, 2023 and will continue till Saturday 07th October, 2023.
- The charges include the cost of Exam Registration and Study Materials
Payment process:
Payment will be collected online only through the process mentioned below:
I. For Campus Care Website / Portal users:
Step 1: Log on to Campus care portal via parent ID
Step 2: Click on “Personal” Tab (On the left hand side of the screen)
Step 3: Click on “Event Participation”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
II. For Campus Care Mobile Application users:
Step 1: Login with Parent ID
Step 2: Click on ‘Fee Payment” tab
Step 3: Click on” Participate in an upcoming Events- Participate Now”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
H. Prasad
BHSM/CIR 23-24/017 21-09-2023
On account of BOARD REGISTRATION for students of class IX, the parents are requested to pay the Registration fee of Rs.375/-, the details are as follows :
· Board Registration Fee : Rs.300.00
· Processing Fee : Rs. 75.00
Total : Rs.375.00
Please make the necessary payment by Wednesday, 27th September, 2023 using the Campus Care portal as given below
Payment Process:
Payment for registration fees & Forwarding/Processing Fee will be collected online only through the process mentioned below:-
I. For Campus Care Website/Portal users:
Step 1: Log on to Campus Care Portal via parent ID
Step 2: Click on “Personal” Tab (On the left-hand side of the screen)
Step 3: Click on “Event Participation”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
II. For Campus Care Mobile Application users:
Step 1: Login with Parent ID
Step 2: Click on ‘Fee Payment’ tab
Step 3: Click on “Participate in an upcoming Events- Participate Now”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
Thanking You,
Ms. Hira Prasad
BHSM/CIR 23-24/016 19-09-2023
Cancellation of Manali Trip
Dear Parents,
We regret to inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, we are compelled to cancel the upcoming school excursion to Manali which was to be conducted from 27th October 2023 till 3rd November 2023.
We want to assure you that this decision was taken after careful consideration of the current situation in Himachal Pradesh and after consulting the relevant authorities. The safety and well-being of our students is our utmost priority, and we believe that this decision is in the best interest of our pupils.
Kindly note that the entire amount paid for the excursion will be refunded shortly.
We deeply regret any disappointment or inconvenience this cancellation may cause. We thank you for your understanding and supporting the school for the decision.
We look forward to your continued cooperation and hope for better circumstances that will allow us to plan future excursions for our students.
Thanking you,
Ms. Hira Prasad
BHSM/CIR 23-24/015 18-09-2023
Daan Utsav’23
Dear Parents,
As you know “Joy of Giving” or “Daan Utsav “is India’s own Festival of Giving which is celebrated every year during the festive season. It aims at spreading joy and happiness among the less fortunate.
We request you to send the items mentioned below through your ward by Monday 25th September to his/her class teacher. We have done a market survey and found the approximate prices of the items listed below within ₹.100.
We seek your participation and cooperation to make this a successful learning experience for our students.
We will be reaching out to the following:
The elderly at Calcutta Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology
The slum children under the care of SUN NGO at Joka
IPER-Institute of Psychological & Educational Research
In house construction workers
Class | Item | Quantity | In charge |
Nursery & KG | Exercise Book Crayons | One Single line Ex.Book One pack of crayons | Class Teacher |
I & II | Packaged Rice | One 500gms packet of Miniket Rice. | |
III &IV | Packaged Dal | One 500gms packet of Dal | |
V, VIII & X | Tea and Cream Biscuits | One 100gms packet of Tea and One packet of cream Biscuit. | |
VI& VII | Coconut Oil | One 200ml Coconut Oil Bottle | |
IX | Boroline | One 40gms Boroline |
Thanking you,
With warm regards,
BHSM/CIR 23-24/014 15-09-2023
Nursery & KG
Dear Parents,
Greetings from Birla High School - Mukundapur.
Keeping in mind the challenges faced by parents while raising children in this day and age, we have organized an interactive session for the parents of Nursery and KG on Saturday, 23rd September 2023 in our AVR, Saarang from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
The session will be conducted by Caring Minds, Kolkata which focuses on all problems related to psychological well-being. The topic for the day will be ‘Parental temperament and management, developing milestones, acceptance of difference’ which is the need of the hour.
Kindly note the following:
- You are requested to register at the AVR Lobby at 9:45 a.m.
- Entry and exit will be from Gate no. 4.
- We request only one parent to attend due to the limited seating capacity of our AVR.
- Only parents will be allowed to attend the session. No students will be permitted.
- A Google Form for your valuable feedback will be shared by your ward’s class teacher after the session. Kindly submit the same by Monday, 25th September 2023.
We look forward to your support in making this effort a success.
Thank you.
Ms. Hira Prasad
BHSM/CIR 23-24/013 14-09-2023
Nursery to Class X
Dispersal on Monday, 18th September 2023.
Dear Parents
As Vishwakarma Puja is being celebrated on Monday,18th September 2023, our transport facilities will be available only in the morning i.e. for dropping students of Classes KG to X to school at 8 a.m. and Nursery students at 9:30 a.m. Buses will not ply at the time of dispersal. Parents are requested to make their own arrangements to collect their wards from the school at dispersal time.
Kindly Note:
· Dispersal at 12:30 p.m. for all Nursery students will be from Junior School Lobby and all KG students from the Senior School Lobby.
· Dispersal at 2p.m.
o Bus and private students will be dispersed as follows:
üClasses I & II from the Junior School Lobby. Entry and exit for parents will be from Gate 1.
üClasses III, IV & V from the Senior School Lobby. Entry and exit for parents will be from Gate 4.
üClasses VI to X from the area outside the Senior School Lobby. Entry and exit for parents will be from Gate 4.
o Carpool dispersal will be from the school Cafeteria.
Inconvenience is regretted.
Your cooperation is solicited.
Warm Regards
Ms. Hira Prasad