BHSM/CIR 23-24/032 08-12-2023
3rd Language Option for Class V
Dear Parent
Greetings from the Birla High School-Mukundapur fraternity!
As your ward graduates from Class V, he/she has the option to choose the third language for Class VI. The student has to choose from the subjects appended below: -
- Hindi
- Bengali
- French
- German
- Spanish
The language selected in Class VI is to be continued as the third language till Class VIII.
You are requested to fill up the consent form given below and send it to the school latest by Friday, 15.12.23
Kindly download the consent form and send it on the date given above.
BHSM/CIR 23-24/031 08-12-2023
Pet Day
Dear Parents,
We will be celebrating ‘Pet Day’ in school on Monday, 18.12.23. As per your confirmation to your ward’s Class teacher, you are requested to bring your pet to school on the date mentioned above. Please note that only one pet can be brought to school per person. The pet must be accompanied by a pet parent. Please be on the premise with your pet at 9:00 a.m. sharp. Please carry food or water for your pet if required.
Kindly mail the class teachers for further details or queries by Monday, 11.12.23.
Thanking you once again for your kind cooperation.
BHSM/CIR 23-24/030 08-12-2023
Classes IV & V
Dear Parents,
Birla High School – Mukundapur will be hosting the fifth edition of ‘SPELLYMPIC 2023’, our Inter-School Spelling and Word Building Contest on Saturday, 16th December 2023 in the school’s auditorium, Saarang to commemorate the birth anniversary of our founder, Shri S.K. Birla.
Students of Classes IV & V are to report to school at 10:00 a.m. sharp and will be dispersed at 1:00 p.m.
· Attendance for students of Classes IV & V is mandatory.
· Students should be in their school uniform.
· They must bring their tiffin and water bottle.
· Transport service will be available.
· Please carry your ward’s ID card for smooth dispersal.
BHSM/CIR 23-24/029 06-12-2023
SOF IMO 2023-24
Classes I - IX
Dear Parents,
SOF IMO will be conducted in school campus.
Please note the details for the same.
Date of IMO: Tuesday, 14th December 2023.
Time of IMO: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Click here to view the Seating Arrangement of your wards.
Download the list of candidates appearing for the IMO
DownloadBHSM/CIR 23-24/028 04-12-2023
SOF NSO 2023-24
Classes I - X
Dear Parents,
SOF NSO will be conducted in the school campus.
Please note the details below
Date of NSO: Tuesday, 5th December 2023.
Time of NSO: 12:30 p.m. – 01:30 p.m.
Seating Arrangement - NSO - 05-12-2023 | |||||||
NUR A | NUR B | NUR C | NUR D | KG A | KG B | KG C | |
I |
| 29 |
| |
II | 31 |
| ||
| 8 | 40 |
| |
IV |
| 15 |
| 40 |
V |
| 40 |
VI |
| 27 |
| 13 |
| 12 |
IX | 2 |
| 33 | 40 | 41 | 23 | 40 | 40 | 40 |
Please click here to view/download the name of the students.
BHSM/CIR 23-24/027 01-12-2023
Shantiniketan Orientation Session
Dear Parents,
We are happy that your ward is a part of the school trip to Shantiniketan. Some of you have expressed a desire to meet the teachers, who are accompanying the trip. We have organized a meeting between teachers and parents as well as with our Tour Manager on Thursday, 7th December 2023 at 8:30 a.m. in our Auditorium.
We look forward to meeting you to discuss the trip and answer any questions that you may have.
BHSM/CIR 23-24/026 01-12-2023
Parent Teacher Meeting
Nursery to Class X
Dear Parents
Please be informed that Parent -Teacher Meeting for Nursery to Class X is scheduled on Saturday, 9th December 2023 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Please make it convenient to attend the PTM on the above-mentioned date and at the stipulated time as mentioned by your ward’s respective Class Teacher. The student will accompany his/her parent in school uniform at the stipulated time. Attendance for students is mandatory.
We request you to utilize this opportunity and have a crisp and short meeting with the teachers to interact about the academic performance of your child. In order to facilitate all parents to get an opportunity to interact with teachers, you are kindly requested to refrain from exceeding the time limit of 5 minutes given to you.
Kindly visit the Book Fairs which have been organized on the same day in Compounds I and II and also an Exhibition in the Prayer Hall showcasing the work of your ward’s relentless efforts.
Thanking you once again for your kind cooperation.
Birla High School - Mukundapur
N.B. - Entry through Gate No 4
BHSM/CIR 23-24/025 23-11-2023
Annual Excursion Circular for Classes VI to X
Dear Parents,
Excursions are a key way to develop a child's confidence as he/she can explore and begin to understand the real world. This confidence is vital to his/her development because it shows that he/she has developed the necessary skills to augment his/her social quotient.
Keeping the above in mind the Annual Excursion for the students of Classes VI to X has been organized at Shiv Shakti Gardens on Wednesday, 13th December 2023.
Tour Itinerary-- Report to school at 8:00 am and back to school at 4:00 pm. (Parents must make arrangements to pick up their wards from school. However, they may avail the school transport while reporting to school)
Total Cost for the excursion--Rs.725/- per head which includes transportation, breakfast, lunch, hiring charges of the resort, and all taxes.
Last Date for Registration—Tuesday 5th December 2023.
Thanking You
N.B. While all responsible measures and care for safety of students will be taken by the school, the management does not accept any liability in the course of travel by bus during excursions or in any case of accidents, theft or robbery.
Payment Process:
Registration will start from 24.11.23, Friday 08:00 Hrs and will continue till Tuesday, 5th December, 2023, 23:59 Hrs
Payment will be collected online only through the process mentioned below: -
I. For Campus Care Website / Portal users:
Step 1: Log on to Campus care portal via parent ID
Step 2: Click on “Personal” Tab (On the left-hand side of the screen)
Step 3: Click on “Event Participation”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
II. For Campus Care Mobile Application users:
Step 1: Login with Parent ID
Step 2: Click on “Fee Payment” tab
Step 3: Click on” Participate in an upcoming Events- Participate Now”
Step 4: Check the boxes which are applicable & make the payment.
Please click to fill the Google form
BHSM/CIR 23-24/024 16-11-2023
E-Nach Registration
Dear Parents
As we prepare for the forthcoming academic session, 2024-25, we would like to draw your attention to an important update concerning the payment method for school fees.
Starting from the next academic session, it is mandatory for all parents/guardians to utilize the ECS mode of payment for the settlement of school fees. This new system offers the convenience of both Monthly and Quarterly payment options, providing you with greater flexibility in managing your financial commitments. A number of our parents are currently using this system for payment, as mentioned in our previous Circular No--BHSM/CIR 23-24/006.
We kindly request your cooperation in transitioning to this hassle free mode of payment method. Should you have any queries or require assistance with this process, please do not hesitate to contact our accounts department or send your queries to [email protected]
Thank you for your continued support.
Please click here to view the E-Nach Registration Module to pay the school fees using ECS mode of payment.
BHSM/CIR 23-24/023 14-11-2023
Children’s Day 2023 Celebration
Nursery - Class X
Dear Parents,
We will be celebrating Children’s Day on Monday, 20th November 2023. On this special day the students may wear formal-coloured clothes to school.
All classes from Nursery to Class X will be dispersed at 12:30 p.m. on account of this special occasion.
Transport service will be available. Parents escorting the students and car pool kindly make it convenient to collect your ward sharp at 12:30 p.m.
Thank you
Hira Prasad