Transport Circular for session 2018-19 24-03-2018
Transport Circular
Parents seeking transport facility kindly download the form by clicking on the 'DOWNLOAD' . Read it carefully and submit along with the cheque after duly filling it at Birla High School, 1 Moira Street on the following dates and stipulated time:--
6th April 2018, Friday , 7th April 2018, Saturday , 9th April 2018, Monday - From 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Any queries regarding transport, contact the following persons of Urban Paribahan Services Pvt Ltd:-
- Mr. Bhuban Sen—7595064684
- Mr.Sourav Ch Nath—7595064683
Dates of orientation will be notified shortly by the above mentioned Transport Agency.
Thank you,
Mrs. H. Prasad
DownloadAddress to parents by Mr. S.K. Birla 16-03-2018
Dear Parents,
Our Chairman, Mr. S.K.Birla would be pleased to address all the parents/guardians of the students of Birla High School-Mukundapur on 20th March 2018. Kindly make it convenient to attend the same as per the details given hereunder:-
Day & Date: Tuesday, 20th March 2018
Venue: Vidya Mandir Auditorium .1, Moira Street, Kolkata-700017 (School Campus) Time: 12 noon to 1:30 p.m.
Registration: 11:45 a.m.
Thank you,
Mrs. H. Prasad
N.B.—Only the parents/guardians are to attend the programme.