BHSM/CIR 21-22/ 033 12-02-2022
Fee Circular
Class VIII
This is to inform you that the fees for the months of February and March will be 100% of the fees for the session 2019-20, as the school has reopened in the offline mode from Thursday, 3rd February 2022 in accordance with the Government directives.
BHSM/CIR 21-22/ 032 08-02-2022
Dear Parent
Greetings from the Birla High School-Mukundapur fraternity!
As your ward graduates from Class V, he/she has the option to choose the third language for Class VI. The student has to choose from the subjects appended below:-
- Hindi
- Bengali
- French
- German
ü The language selected in Class VI is to be continued as the third language till Class VIII.
You are requested to fill up the consent form given below and send it to the school latest by 14th March 2022.
Download the consent form
DownloadBHSM/CIR 21-22/ 031 01-02-2022
Dear Parents
This is to inform you that the Final Assessments for classes VI to VIII will commence from Friday 25th February 2022. It is mandatory for all the students to appear for the same. Please note the following:
ØEach Assessment will be of 50 marks.
ØThe duration of each assessment will be 1 hour 30 mins.
ØAfter the stipulated time, the answer script must be uploaded in PDF format instantly, failing which the answer script will not be marked.
ØIn case the student faces any difficulty while uploading the answer script, the same should be converted into a PDF format and mailed immediately to the Principal at:
ØStudents must have their video on while writing the paper. We have made provision for online invigilation.
ØNo one barring the student himself/herself must be present in the room for the assessment.
N. B.àDuring the days of assessments (Friday, 25th February 2022 to Friday, 11th March 2022) students will be given a 30 minutes break after the paper followed by Revision Session for the next day’s assessment --
The revision session will be conducted either orally or on the given student engagement platformà
Nearpod/Socrative / Quizzes
BHSM/CIR 21-22/ 030 01-02-2022
Dear Parents
This is to inform you that the Final Assessments for classes III-V will commence from Monday 28th February 2022. It is mandatory for all the students to appear for the same. Please note the following:
ØEach Assessment will be of 50 marks.
ØThe duration of each assessment will be 1 hour 30 mins.
ØAfter the stipulated time, the answer script must be uploaded in PDF format instantly, failing which the answer script will not be marked.
ØIn case the student faces any difficulty while uploading the answer script, the same should be converted into a PDF format and mailed immediately to the Headmistress at:
ØStudents must have their video on while writing the paper. We have made provision for online invigilation.
ØNo one barring the student himself/herself must be present in the room for the assessment.
N. B.àDuring the days of assessments (Monday, 28th February 2022 to Tuesday , 8th March 2022) students will be given a 30 minutes break after the paper, followed by Revision Session for the next day’s assessment --
The revision session will be conducted either orally or on the given student engagement platformà
Nearpod/Socrative / Quizzes.
BHSM/CIR 21-22/ 029 30-12-2021
Wishing all our dear parents and loving students A Very Happy, Safe and Peaceful New Year!!!
Click here to view the card.
BHSM/CIR 21-22/ 028 10-12-2021
Dear Parents,
We will be celebrating the Founder’s Day of our school on Thursday, 16th December, 2021. Various activities to mark the occasion will be conducted on this day.
- We are hosting SPELLYMPIC 2021, an Inter-School Spelling and Word Building Competition. Please find attached the Invitation Card for the event. We look forward to you joining us to view the contest on our Face Book Page or on You Tube.
- All our students, teachers and office staff will contribute towards a greener planet by planting a sapling on this day. We look forward to your co-operation.
- Our students have made a short presentation to celebrate Founder’s Day. A video of the presentation may be viewed on our official Facebook page -- https://www.facebook.com/bhsmkolkata on Thursday, 16th December, 2021. We are sure you will enjoy watching it.
Please note that classes will remain suspended on Thursday, 16th December, 2021 to enable students and teachers to participate in all the activities.
Kindly click here to view the card
BHSM/CIR 21-22/ 027 03-11-2021
School Reopening Circular
Classes VI, VII & VIII
Dear Parents,
Season’s Greetings!
We hope you and your family are all well.
This is to bring to your notice that the state government has given directives to open school for Classes IX to XII from Tuesday, 16th November 2021.
So, it is likely that in due course we are expecting to get further instructions to open school for classes VI to VIII.
The health and safety of our pupils and their emotional well-being are our top priority, therefore we have put in place everything we feel is needed to open the schools safely for pupils, staff and parents. Our Management has taken all the Covid-safety precautions and preventive measures to conduct classes physically. A glimpse of the same may be viewed by clicking on this link---https://youtu.be/QSMTo1TjmYo
All our faculty members, office staff and support staff are fully vaccinated.
We are looking forward to seeing your wards in the campus. As always, we expect your unstinted support and extensive cooperation.
Closer to the date of re-opening we will share the detailed guidelines to be followed.
BHSM/CIR 21-22/ 026 21-10-2021
Re : Notice to pay School Fees
In pursuance of the order dated 01st October, 2021 of the Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta in WPA No. 162/2021 (Rajib Chakraborty & Others v. State of West Bengal and Others), all parents/guardians who have defaulted in making payment of their wards’ school fees due to the pandemic are directed to pay the entire claim made by the school authorities within 25th October, 2021, without prejudice to their rights and contentions in the manner indicated in the said order.
If there are defaults/ non-payments by parents/ guardians in terms of the order dated 01st October, 2021 of the Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta, it is hereby notified that the school shall be constrained to take appropriate steps in accordance with law including but not limited to the steps mention in our earlier notice dated 16th / 17th September, 2021.
This notice may kindly be ignored if you have already paid the fees of your ward(s), as per order of the Hon’ble High Court at Calcutta dated 01st October, 2021.
Copy of the order is attached herewith.
Mrs. M. Sengupta
Birla High School – Mukundapur
Kindly download the order to view it.
DownloadBHSM/CIR 21-22/ 025 06-09-2021
Dear Parents
This is to inform you that the First Term Assessments for classes VI-VIII will commence from Friday 10th September 2021. It is mandatory for all the students to appear for the same. Please note the following:
ØEach Assessment will be of 50 marks.
ØThe duration of each assessment will be 1 hour 30 mins.
ØAfter the stipulated time, the answer script must be uploaded in PDF format instantly, failing which the answer script will not be marked.
ØIn case the student faces any difficulty while uploading the answer script, the same should be converted into a PDF format and mailed immediately to the Principal at:
ØStudents must have their video on while writing the paper. We have made provision for online invigilation.
ØNo one barring the student himself/herself must be present in the room for the assessment.
N. B. During the days of assessments (Friday, 10th September 2021 to Friday, 24th September 2021) students will be given a 30 minutes break after the paper, followed by --
The revision session will be conducted either orally or on the given student engagement platformà
Nearpod/Socrative / Quizzes.
M. Sengupta
BHSM/CIR 21-22/ 024 06-09-2021
Dear Parents
This is to inform you that the First Term Assessments for classes III-V will commence from Monday 13th September 2021. It is mandatory for all the students to appear for the same. Please note the following:
ØEach Assessment will be of 50 marks.
ØThe duration of each assessment will be 1 hour 30 mins.
ØAfter the stipulated time, the answer script must be uploaded in PDF format instantly, failing which the answer script will not be marked.
ØIn case the student faces any difficulty while uploading the answer script,
ØStudents must have their video on while writing the paper. We have made provision for online invigilation.
ØNo one barring the student himself/herself must be present in the room for the assessment.
N. B.àDuring the days of assessments (Monday, 13th September 2021 to Tuesday, 21st September 2021) students will be given a 30 minutes break after the paper, followed by --
The revision session will be conducted either orally or on the given student engagement platformà
Nearpod/Socrative / Quizzes.
M. Sengupta